Roar to Success

Piano Lessons

Piano Lessons
Piano Lessons West Yorkshire


Lion Academy  offers piano lessons for all ages from beginners up to grade 8 standard. Lion Academy can cater for all pianist needs, Whether it’s your first time playing the piano, and you are yearning to play your favourite pop song, or even if you have years of experience playing and you are seeking expert guidance on how to pass your music exams with high marks. We can take you through a rich and diverse musical programme that is designed to challenge, motivate and improve your piano performance to its highest potential.

Furthermore we offer a comprehensive focus point in our approach to Piano Teaching, we can offer the focus point in Classical from Renaissance, Baroque and Romantic Music or contemporary Jazz Studies. We also tutoring in pop music and can explore modern pop and rock tutoring utilising synthesisers and keyboards.

We truly offer a comprehensive musical training. Start Your Piano Lessons Today!

We have a 100% exam pass rate in ABRSM, LCM, LAMDA and Trinity College London.

Piano lessons

Our Piano Lessons are a great way to build up confidence in a fun and encouraging atmosphere. 

Whether your 6 or 60!

Lion Academy is a purpose built Music Academy for Children, Amateurs and Budding Professionals. We can help build musical skills that last a life time.

Why not contact us and start Piano Lessons today.

Gain Confidence
Improve Technique
Gain UCAS through Grades

Benjamin Bland


Benjamin is a Composer and Pianist. Attaining Grade 8 in Piano and Music Theory from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Benjamin attended the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts before Graduating from Trinity College of London with a LTCL in Composition. Benjamin continued his studies in Composition and focused on writing for Media applications and studied at the University of Chichester acquiring a Masters of Fine Arts in Composition & Orchestration for Film & TV. (For more information Click Here)

Benjamin has gone onto score music for films, video games and theatre. Benjamin’s passion for music began from an early age starting classical Piano at the age of six. Benjamin always enjoyed the compositional aspect to music which he has continued to practice today. Benjamin is experienced in teaching all ages and abilities in Piano, Music Theory and Composition. Benjamin’s knowledge and enthusiasm for music is reflected in his lessons. He continues to bring a fun and encouraging approach to learning. 

Lion Academy Teacher

Some Common Questions

Yes. We are always happy to offer a trial lesson, so you can get get acquainted with all the Lion Academy Team.

Absolutely! Adults are welcome, whether your looking to expand on Vocal technique  or want to pick up a new hobby!

We advise children from the age of 6 upwards benefit from 1-2-1 lessons. However some younger Children can still benefit with shorter lessons.

Yes. We encourage students to pursue singing exams, as Grades 6 upwards gain UCAS Points for University. We also offer exam tuition in Classical/Folk/Pop and Musical Theatre depending on what the student may want to pursue.

No. Exams are extremely beneficial in improving confidence and technique, however sometimes they can be scary and time consuming. Some students prefer lessons for enjoyment and a break from all those devices!

Grades 1-8 Classical Piano
We Offer Sibling Discount
and Multiple Instrumentel Discount!
Group Keyboard Lessons
Coming Soon